浏览我们全新的SwimFlow MasterClass ,了解我们如何帮助您克服对水的恐惧,并在忙碌的情况下与家人和朋友一起享受水上乐趣。
Signature Program
但不懂得游泳会阻碍你的进步。 -
但你害怕你无法站立的水。 -

Instead, imagine how it would feel to...



Develop your vibrant swimmer lifestyle
(and feel your absolute best)
All of this is possible for you, even if you feel like you don't have the experience (yet) or have no clue where to start.
And I can’t wait to show you how…

其中包括两条推荐的游泳路线图,帮助您独立游出第一个 100 米。

模块 1
找到您的 SwimFlow 公式
& 理想池
我将教您我的SwimFlow 公式,帮助您体现“可以做”的心态,以加速您的游泳练习,并帮助您找到理想的泳池、游泳必需品,并为您的第一次游泳做好准备,而不会感到不知所措!

模块 2
在水中找到你的浮子(流程 1 的蓝图)
What differentiate an anxious swimmer from a confident, comfortable swimmer (who finds their flow) in water?
In this module, you’ll learn the roadmap to confidently breathe - discover the natural art of floating. I’m here to guide you through the essentials of breathing, floating, and kicking, so you can experience the flow in water effortlessly.
This section also includes (Blueprint to Flow Level 1) workout guide.

模块 3
(流程 2 的蓝图)

模块 4
好消息 - 您不需要成为健身狂!我将帮助您找到自己的基础并分析您的独特需求,通过日常运动来增强和保持健康的灵活性、机动性和稳定性,无需复杂的锻炼或健身器材。

Find your float in water
(Blueprint to Flow 3)
SwimFlow MasterClass isn’t just about hitting that 100m milestone. Instead, I’m committed to helping you experience your flow and enjoy water activities with loved ones.
After our SwimFlow MasterClass wraps, I’m here to support you as you dive into exploring more water activities, whether it’s refining your strokes, learning snorkelling techniques or venture into scuba diving. Together, we can elevate your swimming experience and take your water adventures to new heights!

You’ll not only swim your first 100m in 12 weeks from now, but you’ll also end up with the lifestyle of a swimmer, who prioritizes your swim pursuit in the midst of a busy schedule, and be able to fully enjoy various aquatic pursuits with loved ones in your next vacation destination.
今天就加入 SwimFlow MasterClass,放下“我不能”,踏入“我能”,增强游泳信心,享受 12 周以来的第一次 100 米游泳(即使您很忙!)
100% Satisfaction guarantee
如果 14 天后您仍不满意,您可以通过电子邮件 swimwithgrace@iwillteachyoutoswim.com 申请全额退款。这样您就有两周的时间测试所有内容,以防您认为它不再适合您。

The SwimFlow MasterClass experience ✨


Personal Coaching Swim
(6 sessions included)
您可以自行决定何时参加1:1 个人辅导课程,我们将在课程中讲解练习和技巧,并在“流程蓝图”指导培训中提供反馈(这是许多学生最喜欢的课程部分,可以与我一起体验流程!)

Grace 的个性化评论

我们有一个学生社区空间,您可以在此开始讨论、庆祝胜利并相互分享反馈。 (它建立在网站上,而不是 Facebook 上。)
SwimFlow 公式
Swim Roadmap
to help you take action and see results
Not sure if SwimFlow MasterCLass is right for you?

如果🙋♀️... 这可能适合您...
✔️ 您的日程安排很忙,使得传统的每周游泳课变得不太可行,您希望更好地控制何时何地游泳。
✔️ 您有探索游泳技巧在线资源的经验,观看过 YouTube 视频,并且愿意练习游泳技巧。
✔️ 您希望获得终身支持、获得游泳教练(Grace)的帮助并与志同道合的人一起培养游泳社区。
✔️ 您是游泳新手或有一点游泳经验,正在努力让自己在游泳时更加舒适和自信。
✔️ 您对能够站立的浅水区感到有些舒服,但正在努力克服深水区。
✔️ 你想探索一种新的、可持续的健身习惯。
✔️ 您愿意努力学习游泳并积极参与学习(无论是否参加面对面的辅导课程)
✔️ 您希望享受一种以您的健康为优先的可持续的生活方式。
✖️ 你正在寻找一个快速上手的方案。这些策略和实践不会在一夜之间发生,你必须付出努力才能看到结果。成就感和满足感来自于永无止境的不断改进。
✖️ 您更喜欢每周与教练一起进行游泳(社区和独立游泳学校的传统方法)
✖️ 你更喜欢面对面的互动和在泳池里学习
(使用底部的表格或电子邮件 (swimwithgrace@iwillteachyoutoswim.com)

联系Swim with Grace
Here are a few answers to commonly asked questions, plus a contact form to reach out to Team Swim with Grace.

💭 Am I ready to take your program?SwimFlow MasterClass is a great fit for swimmers who have no prior experience in swimming or have learnt in the past but are still apprehensive about swimming, for those who are motivated to learn at their own pace and are in control of their swim schedule, so they can swim their first 100m and enjoy water activities with family and friends in 12 weeks! You won't know your potential until you try it, and if you don't like it within 14 days, we refund you. :)
🏊♂️ I am not sure if I can learn to swim in 6 coaching sessions.The 6 in-person training sessions are designed to guide you what to do during your swim practices. The program encourage self-paced practice toward the habit a swimmer. You will have access to our private membership community where students interact, ask questions and exchange ideas during their practices - oftentimes, someone has answers to your questions! I am also personally involved as well. I will do my very best with the help of the swim community to get you from where you are to where you want to be, if you have trust in yourself and in our team 😉! More questions and not yet convinced? Book a discovery call with me.
🏊♀️ Where would the in-person coaching session take place?If you have access to private (condo/apartment/house) pool within 15 km from Brentwood North Burnaby, lessons would take place in your chosen pool. Otherwise, all lessons are conducted at a specific designated training pools as I am actively seeking and expanding to work with community with pool access. For my swimmers who are in the DIY camp, you wouldn't have to worry about this at all! 😊
💧 What if I don’t have access to swimming pool? Where can I practice my swim?In our first week of the program, we will cover this and help you find your ideal pool to swim without overwhelm! Rest assure even if you've never been to a pool and have no idea how it works. I provide checklist for you to seek out your ideal pool(s) within your reach. There's a pool called home for everyone! For transparency, I am also actively working on expanding access community, to private fitness gym and other YMCA pools for our membership group with special perks, or if you know of other alternatives I would also love to hear. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
📆 When is the in-person coaching sessions?Bookings for in-person coaching sessions is flexible typically 4pm-7pm PST weekdays. There are exceptions in the past. Schedule viewable upon registration for the SwimFlow MasterClass [currently accepting waitlist registrants] Save your spot now. For my swimmers who are in the DIY camp you wouldn't have to worry about this 😃!
👥 Do you offer 1:1 services?Outside of SwimFlow MasterClass, no. In SwimFlow MasterClass, I (Grace) work directly with my students in the pool to learn to swim for 6 in-person sessions. I also offer feedback via personalizing videos (asynchronously). This is so I can best support students in the MasterClass with my time and energy.
⛳ I'm new to learning swimming. Where should I start?If you're ready to get started, you can check out our Signature Program, where we help swimmers find their flow in water. Alternatively you can choose to book a Discovery Call with me to ask me just about anything! Downloadable Free resources coming soon, so stay tune for exciting updates!
👥 Can I bring a +1 for the in-person coaching session?Absolutely yes as long as your +1 is also a member in the SwimFlow MasterClass program and your schedules agree. We will only need one person (and give me the name of your +1) to do the booking for the two of you. You will get paid $50 for each referral you make! :)
📅 What if I cannot commit to the entire 12 weeks in one go?While the program follows a 10-12-week structure for those seeking a guided timeline, you have the flexibility to progress at your own pace. Whether you choose to complete it within the suggested 12-week period, less or extend the duration to meet your individual needs, this program is intentionally designed so you get to work on your own pace. Important thing to note is that the 6 in-person coaching sessions with Grace is only valid for 6 months upon your enrolment. There are also exceptions from the past in which I extended for a calendar year. Should you wish to learn more, you can contact us for more questions.
🕗 When can I start the SwimFlow MasterClass and unlock the limited time bonus?You can start as soon as you purchased the course as well as the limited time bonus! ⭐ Once you have enrolled in the course and the payment has processed, all the curriculum in the program will be unlocked for you. For transparency, this new program is not permanent as I am constantly updating upon student feedback and best practices, so there might be times in which the section will be under construction (of course, I will make it clear for you) so you could check back for the updated lesson(s)!
💰 Do you have a refund policy?This is a 10-12-week program to get you from a non-swimmer to swimming your first 100m front crawl and being able to stay comfortably in the deep end. It is risk-free! Plus, I (Grace) and the community are here to help you every step of the way. If you feel like this program is not right for you after you've had the opportunity to try for 14 days, you can email swimwithgrace@iwillteachyoutoswim.com to get your full refund.
📩 How can I get in touch if I still have questions?You can email me anytime at swimwithgrace@iwillteachyoutoswim.com or book me for a Discovery Call for thoughts, questions, worries...or anything! I would love to hear from you! 😃
嗨,我是 Grace!
将所有疑问都列出来对你来说实在是太难了,所以无论您对该计划还有更多疑问,还是有兴趣了解有关 Swim with Grace 的更多信息,我都很乐意为您提供帮助!
我通常会在 48 小时内回复所有相关询问。